Following an interest information to citizens of Indonesia who want to have a car but do not have enough expenses. About Auto Loan Financing provide by Syariah Bank .
Now Syariah Bank (Islamic bank) have the financing products for car ownership, be it a new car or used car (2nd). The Financing itself there are two kinds, namely with the akad murabahah (loan application) will sale with payment installments. This is similar to a conventional car loan at the bank. And the second alternative of financing the covenant IMBT, is similar to leasing (hire-purchase).
The principle is still the same, you are equally able to pay by installments without interest car with both these loan application. But do not be mistaken, without interest here does not mean the price of credit and cash prices are the same. Since then the bank can not make money. And even if banks do not profit, then the customer is also a loss of depositors not getting the results.
The Bank still make money, but profits are not taken by the bank in interest margins, but the cost of buying and selling or renting. If loan application (akad murahahah) of the bank bought the car that you want from the dealer and sell it back to you with a higher price and can be repaid. Profits made by bank in this regard is the buying and selling advantages, namely the difference between selling price and buying price. So, without interest.
Different as if the application is IMBT, in this case bank to buy a car from the dealer and lease it to you. At the end of the lease later, will be swept so that the car ownership are yours. The displacement of this property can be done by way of sale or donated. Of course, taking into account the money you've paid the rent. The total purchase price plus car rental will certainly be higher than the cash price, The difference is profit for the bank.
Now Syariah Bank (Islamic bank) have the financing products for car ownership, be it a new car or used car (2nd). The Financing itself there are two kinds, namely with the akad murabahah (loan application) will sale with payment installments. This is similar to a conventional car loan at the bank. And the second alternative of financing the covenant IMBT, is similar to leasing (hire-purchase).
The principle is still the same, you are equally able to pay by installments without interest car with both these loan application. But do not be mistaken, without interest here does not mean the price of credit and cash prices are the same. Since then the bank can not make money. And even if banks do not profit, then the customer is also a loss of depositors not getting the results.
The Bank still make money, but profits are not taken by the bank in interest margins, but the cost of buying and selling or renting. If loan application (akad murahahah) of the bank bought the car that you want from the dealer and sell it back to you with a higher price and can be repaid. Profits made by bank in this regard is the buying and selling advantages, namely the difference between selling price and buying price. So, without interest.
Different as if the application is IMBT, in this case bank to buy a car from the dealer and lease it to you. At the end of the lease later, will be swept so that the car ownership are yours. The displacement of this property can be done by way of sale or donated. Of course, taking into account the money you've paid the rent. The total purchase price plus car rental will certainly be higher than the cash price, The difference is profit for the bank.